# Product News
How to wire LOGO! CIM
The recording of "Siemens LOGO! CIM Launch" is now ready!
SITOPtech meets DigiLab - The digital future of productionwww.youtube.com/watch?v=G8MWnInzUIQ------------------------------------------------------------------------# Industry References------------------------------------------------------------------------
Node-RED 2.2 is now available to installhttps://nodered.org/blog/2022/01/27/version-2-2-released
What does a little fish have to do with SIMATIC controllers?
IIoT architectures revolutionize factory production management
Blockchain and the Internet of Things
Automatisierungs- und Digitalisierungslösungen für Aufzüge und Fahrtreppen
ID: 109755133
Siemens OPC UA Modeling Editor (SiOME) for implementing OPC UA
companion specifications
The platform-independent OPC UA protocol with the companion specifications
extension greatly facilitates standardized cross-manufacturer communication
and reduces implementation effort.
For products:6ES7217-1AG40-0XB0, 6ES7212-1AE40-0XB0,...
=> https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/109755133

ID: 109749508
Library of Basic Processes (LBP) for TIA Portal V17 (STEP 7 Basic / Professional,
WinCC Comfort / Professional, WinCC Runtime Advanced / Professional),
WinCC V7.5 SP2 and WinCC Open Architecture 3.18 with documentation,
libraries and demo projects
Global library (TIA Portal) with 23 SCL function blocks for the control level
and with faceplates for visualization with Comfort Panels,
WinCC Runtime Advanced and WinCC Runtime Professional V17.
Libraries for WinCC V7.5 SP2 and WinCC Open Architecture 3.18.
For products:STEP7 / WinCC (TIA Portal); WinCC; WinCC OA
=> https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/109749508
ID: 109780503
Libraries for Communication for SIMATIC Controllers
The Libraries for Communication are a collection of blocks
for various communication tasks, functions, and protocols for SIMATIC Controllers.
For products:6ES7822-1AA06-0YA5
=> https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/109780503

2022-02-10ID: 109782314EtherNet/IP Scanner – Connecting third party I/O’s using EtherNet/IPThe library used in this application example allows you to useEtherNet/IP field devices with SIMATIC controllers.For products:6ES7513-1AL00-0AB0, 6ES7511-1AK00-0AB0,...=> https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/109782314
2022-02-08ID: 109806076Read out data of the SITOP PSU6200 or the SITOP SEL1200 / SEL1400with Raspberry Pi and "SITOP PSU6200 Tool"Using the Raspberry Pi and the free program "SITOP PSU6200 Tool",it is possible to quickly and easily read data provided bythe SITOP PSU6200 devices with UDI and the SITOP SEL1200 /SEL1400 devices and then store it in a database for later use.For products:6EP3321-7SB00-0AX0, 6EP3323-7SB00-0AX0,...=> https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/109806076
2022-02-25ID: 109478932Safety Applications with S7-1200 FC CPUThe document contains a total of 24 scenarios forsafety door and emergency stop applications.An F-block for the direct use of an S7-1200 FC CPUis available to you for each scenario.In addition to the easy use of the S7-1200 FC CPU,the document also explains what has to be consideredto achieve a specific PL/SIL.For products:6ES7214-1AF40-0XB0, 6ES7215-1AF40-0XB0,...=> https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/109478932
ID: 92346478
Integrating HMI Operator Panels in TCP/IP Networks and
access to a NAS or to a shared Windows folder and
data exchange via "SIMATIC Option+ Manager".
Description how you can integrate an HMI operator panel
into an existing office/automation network and
access a higher-level file folder from the panel
(e.g. shared folders or NAS).
A data exchange between a PC and a Comfort Panel
in connection with "HMI Option + Manager" is also described.
For products:6AV6645-0DB01-0AX0, 6AG1124-2DC01-4AX0,...
2022-02-09ID: 109481714" Ready for use “ TIA-Portal example project for SIWAREX WP251For products:7MH4960-6AA01=> https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/109481714------------------------------------------------------------------------# FAQ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2022-02-24ID: 109781234Why does loading HMI images with TIA Portal V16/V17 failwith the error message "Components with a different versionare installed on the target device. An older incompatiblefirmware image exists on the target device."?Since TIA Portal V16/V17, firmware images for HMI operator panelsare delivered separately from the TIA Basic installation.For products:6AV2124-1MC01-0AX0, 6AV2124-0JC01-0AX0,...=> https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/109781234
2022-02-18ID: 109763364With the S7-1500/S7-1200 how do you clearly display the itemsfrom the diagnostics buffer in Excel?You can have the diagnostics data from the diagnostics bufferdisplayed clearly by filtering the Excel file.For products:6ES7822-1..03-.., 6ES7822-0A.02-..,...=> https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/109763364
2022-02-01ID: 109738401How do you install a GSD file and which GSD file versionis released for which version of STEP 7 (TIA Portal)?In order to configure the devices (PROFINET, PROFIBUS)of a manufacturer in the device configuration ofSTEP 7 (TIA Portal), you have to install the GSD file beforehand.For products:6ES7822-1..03-.., 6ES7822-0A.02-..,...=> https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/109738401
2022-02-07ID: 109806125What do you do if you do not receive a download-ready e-mailfrom OSD (Online Software Delivery) or have lost it?You receive a download-ready e-mail from OSD to notify youthat your ordered software is now available for download.The e-mail does not constitute an official delivery noteand does not contain any access data for logging in to OSD.This means you do not need the download-ready e-mailto access OSD and your ordered software/licenses.For products:3ZS1322-5CC10-0YL5, 3ZS1314-5CC10-4YA5,...=> https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/109806125------------------------------------------------------------------------# Manual------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2022-02-23
ID: 109797835
SIMATIC S7-200 UKCA, ATEX, IECEx, UKEX, and CCCEx Approvals for S7-200
01/2022, Product Information, A5E51009133A-AB
For products:6ES7291-8BA20-0XA0, 6ES7297-1AA23-0XA0,...