Tuesday, October 6, 2009

S7-200 in Power Plant

The deployment was successfully carry out in Sept 2009.

In this installation, S7-200 PLC act as a data collector, process control centre & interface device between 1 touchscreen + 1 SCADA workstation.

Communication between SCADA workstation ( at Main Control Room ) with S7-200 ( at Local Control Panel, WWTP ) is via WiFi.

This installation exibit the agile, compact & flexible features of low cost S7-200!

Availability of S7-1200 PLC in Malaysia, please contact us!

We are please to inform that following units of S7-1200 is available for local demo / testing:

# CPU1214c - 2 units
# CM1241, RS485 - 1 unit
# SM1234, AI/AQ - 1 unit

S7-1200 has built-in tracebility functions for OEMs / SIs / END-USERs who requires low cost PLC that comply to GAMP 4 environments!